Secrets To Find Your Love
17 secrets to find your love 1. Kenali dirimu terlebih dahulu 2. Menghargai diri sendiri 3. Menghargai orang lain 4. Pahami bahwa semua orang itu berbeda 5. Ketahuilah apa itu "Cinta" 6. Identifikasi tipe orang yang kamu sukai 7. Identifikasi hubungan apa yang kamu inginkan 8. Ketahuilah faktanya 9. Membuat rencana 10. Menentukan lokasi yang tepat 11. Bersiap sebelum kamu pergi ketemuan 12. Dating 13. Say "I Luv U" 14. Membuat komitmen 15. Share / Berbagi 16. Berilah dia gift/kado/benda 17. Finally This is the first edition of the guide “17 Secrets To Find Love”. It will be improved as time goes by. Feel free to send us new ideas or thoughts for further editions. For now all I can say to you is that I wish you the best of lucks. I hope this step by step guide help you to find love. If you already found him/her and you have the lucky to be with the person you love keep him/her and do not go around looking for somebody else. What you have is precious. Feel free to se...